God Has No Favorites!

God Has No Favorites!

God Has No Favorites!

I remember hearing a story of a woman that was upset with Jesus because she felt that he had a favorite disciple. She was reading John 13:23 that says, “Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.”, which referred to the disciple John.

She said to herself, “Why did Jesus only let John lean on his bosom!” And she began to be offended at what she considered to be a show of favoritism by Jesus. It was a little while later that she went to prayer with this offense and heard to voice of Jesus speaking with her. He said “All of my disciples could have laid on my bosom, but only John wanted to.”

Wow! What a powerful revelation! We can have as much or as little of our Jesus as we’d like. He has no favorites! It is written that the children are to be filled first (Mark 7:27), but only the hungry are fed and only the burning can be seen shining with the fire of God.

How much of Jesus do you want? I encourage you to press into Him with all you are and you may find yourself like the disciple John, resting on His bosom. And when you do, you’ll find that nothing else matters but being in His presence.

God bless you!